3 Cups Plain Flour

1 Cup Wholemeal Flour

1/4 Cup Whole Linseed

1/4 Cup Pumpkin Seeds

1/4 Cup Sunflower Seeds

2 1/4 Teaspoons Salt


2 Teaspoons Instant Yeast

2 1/4 Teaspoons Sugar

2 1/4 Cups Luke Warm Water


METHOD  -  original


In a large bowl whisk together all dry ingredient

Add lukewarm water

Using a spatular, stir to combine until you have a sticky dough ball

Place bowl in a warm place, cover and leave to rise until doubled in size.

Grease loaf tin

Transfer dough to prefared loaf tin

Leave to rise again until dough crowns the the on the loaf tin.

Heat oven to 190 deg celcius

Bake 45min

Cool on a rack before slicing




In a large bowl whisk together flours, seeds, salt

In luke warm water add sugar and yeast and stir leave for a couple of mintutes for the yeast to activatem the sugar adds this, it will look like a brown slurry on the water

Add warm water yeast mix to dry ingredients

Using a spatular, stir to combine until you have a sticky dough ball

Place bowl in a warm place, cover and leave to rise until doubled in size.

Grease loaf tin

Transfer dough to prepared loaf tin

Leave to rise again until dough crowns the the on the loaf tin.

Heat oven to 190 deg celcius

Bake 45min or until internal bread temperature in 88-94 deg

Cool on arack before slicing




I use a bench top over with is smaller so  t he cooking time is different.

I use my Airfry option temp is 200deg for 15min - then cover with tinfoil (so it doesn't burn the crust)

I then put the bread back in the oven again, using the bake option 180deg  for another 15-20min testing the internal temperature in the last 10 mins






10 July 2023

No Knead Bread

Peasant Bread

I came across this recipe a good 6 months ago and I don't think I have bought a loaf since I have given it away to friends and neighbours used it for event catering and it get rave reviews. 

This recipe is so versitile, I have made

Seeded Varations

Curry and Onion Bread

Foccocia Style Bread (cooked in a flat tray)

Sundried Tomato

Spiced Fruit Loaf

White Bread


Donna O'Donoghue